cats cats cats
some weeks ago, i finally got the chance to hit up a cat cafe. it was one of the things i was most looking forward to doing in korea, and it more or less lived up to what i’d imagined (read: there was no choreographed kitty dance).
it was so nice to be around animals again!
granted, the friendliest cats there were a quasi-repulsive nearly-hairless white cat (not pictured for obvious reasons) that i felt sorry for, and a long-haired white cat that left a trail of fur behind every step (maybe it was related to the hairless cat?).
coolest cat in the joint that evidently hates the foreign paparazzi.
the best part of the day actually came later, when i got to attend my first BIFF movie.
El Patron was excellent, but mostly brutal and horribly dark. in retrospect, i might’ve done well to schedule the cat cafe visit post-film.