one for won

a couple of weeks ago i finally tracked down korea’s take on the dollar store, daiso.

and it changed my life. not in a huge, let’s-move-halfway-across-the-world manner, but it has made my quotidian life a million times easier. essentially, it allowed me to purchase so many things i was missing, helping to make this apartment a little more mine, and less like a box with a bed.

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suyeong station.

i took the subway, which i later found out to be unnecessary, as apparently daiso is but a fifteen minute walk away from my place. however, i wound up being glad i did, as i walked out of the store, two hours and ₩50,000 (think $50) later, with two bulging bags.

and this:

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this was easily the best thing i found. since buying my yoga mat, i have finally felt more like a human, instead a jet-lagged, watered down version of a person.

i also found:

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korean oreos.

and about a million other little things. the thing about korea is that it balances out traditional and modern landscapes with cutesy touches. thus, you end up with soap holders shaped like rabbit’s ears, flip flops adorned with smiling elephants, and more plastic, brightly-colored hair adornments than anyone could ever wear.

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even q-tips are cuter in korea.


Now read this

cats cats cats

some weeks ago, i finally got the chance to hit up a cat cafe. it was one of the things i was most looking forward to doing in korea, and it more or less lived up to what i’d imagined (read: there was no choreographed kitty dance). it... Continue →